April 6th, 2024
New Feature of my Work in ELEMENTS Magazine, April 2024 Issue
My best article yet for ELEMENTS is the featured piece, forty pages and twenty images. Interview questions and answers. Published April 4th, 2024. The primary drawback is that it's not viewable without a subscription, then neither would it be with a print-only pub! The magazine and its sister magazine MEDIUM FORMAT are published in PDF form only and thus are more able to be gorgeous, albeit the more so on more capable screens. I think they're the finest quality photographic magazines yet. Highly recommended. I'm happy to have gotten the cover this time too:

Hello Joseph,
The April issue of the ELEMENTS Magazine is here!
Inside you will find:
In this month’s featured interview, we present an informative and highly technical interview with Joseph Holmes. Joseph is an expert in image quality, colour management and, of course, he is a great photographer. A must-read!
We welcome a new contributor to the magazine, Austrian photographer Sonja Jordan with an article titled “Exploring the World by Drone.”
Once again we are treated to an article by Bruce Barnbaum. Bruce is a well-known print-maker and author with over 50 years’ experience. This month’s article is titled: “Choosing an Appropriate Focal Length Lens.”
In the April issue you will also find Australian photographer Mieke Boynton’s article titled “Battling the Elements.” In this article Mieke explores the benefits of photographing nature at its most hostile and powerful.
In the “How It Was Shot” segment we share an article from Kevin Hall titled “Frosty Keeper.”
We talk to German photographer Jan Erik Waider about his stunning project titled “When Winter Meets Summer.” Jan specializes in abstract and atmospheric landscape photography of the North.
We are excited to feature Hans Strand’s new book titled “Aqua.”
In the final pages of the April issue you will find three photographs in the section titled PHOTOS WE SHARE which our curation team chose from images shared on our social media platforms by readers and followers.
The issue is now available for download at https://www.elementsphotomag.com/issue/
Please make sure you are logged in. In order to download the issue, left press the download button below the cover. It will start downloading automatically. Please note that the ELEMENTS Magazine is designed to be read in a landscape mode if enjoyed on iPad or any other tablet.
Enjoy this special production and please share the news with your photographic friends.
With deep gratitude,
Steven Friedman
Olaf Sztaba
Please forward this email to your photographic friends who appreciate elegant, fine art photography and quality editorials!